Data centre facilities and relocation

Data centre facilities and relocation

Your business is putting greater pressure on the data centre to provide services faster ... while operating in an environmentally sustainable manner. Ageing technology, limited infrastructure and the high cost of facilities often make this difficult to achieve. If you're in the process of upgrading data centre facilities, the ideal site for new data centres may not be immediately obvious.

Virtualisation, consolidation, automation and cloud may all be influencing your decisions about where to build your data centres, or even whether you build one at all.

NGXSYS's data centre consolidation and relocation services enable you to minimise risk, while optimising your data centre resources and locations, with consideration of technology changes in the areas ofvirtualisation and cloud.

We'll also work with you to optimise your power and cooling requirements and explore opportunities to make use of cloud services to better meet your corporate sustainability objectives.

Our services cover:

  • data centre relocation
  • power and cooling optimisation
  • data centre design
  • data centre consolidation
  • data centre modernisation

Our data centre facilities and relocation services will enable you to:

  • reduce power and cooling costs
  • optimise your data centre design
  • explore opportunities to save costs and boost efficiencies through consolidation
  • trim capex and opex through a cloud model
  • ensure that your data centre locations support compliance requirements
  • extend the useful life of your ageing data centres
  • reduce energy consumption

What we Offer

Gain a greater understanding of how to optimise your data centre facilities through the following services:

  • Power and Cooling Assessment: We assist you to optimise power and cooling within your data centre through a three-tiered approach: discovery, analysis and recommendation.
  • Data Centre Relocation Services: We assist you with data centre consolidation and relocation services which minimise risk while optimising your data centre resources and locations.

Truly optimising your data centre facilities and locations calls for a focus on multiple technology areas. We can also support you with these solutions:

  • Sustainability: NGXSYS offers solutions designed to help you better manage your travel, energy and waste. We help you integrate an environmental focus with plans to reduce cost and increase efficiency.
  • Virtualisation: Our server and storage virtualisation solutions can enable you to deliver an agile, efficient data centre that meets the requirements of your end users.