Data leakage prevention
Data leakage prevention
It’s often said that an organisation’s most important assets are its people and its corporate information. Yet circumstances can arise that place these two assets at odds.
Without a data-centric approach to information security that prevents employees from:
- accessing information they shouldn’t
- using information to which they are entitled against you
- or simply absent-mindedly losing or misapplying corporate information … your organisation is at risk.
You need effective data leakage prevention (DLP) strategy to protect and control your data.
DLP isn't a technical issue. It's a business issue. In addition − because it focuses on data − DLP should form part of the larger compliance and privacy discussion in your organisation.
NGXSYS's Data Leakage Prevention Assessment provides a snapshot of the strengths and weaknesses of an information security programme. It involves:
- a workshop-based session with key stakeholders.
- a discovery exercise to assess the data footprint across the network and/or file repositories.
- the development of a data security roadmap strategy.
In addition, NGXSYS assists you with DLP-related services and technology offerings from our strategic vendor partners: RSA, McAfee , Cisco, Blue Coat and Check Point.
Take a data-centric approach to security … and make the most of your existing investments.
With NGXSYS's DLP services and solutions you can:
Reduce risk and ensure compliance
- eliminate identity theft – of your employees' and customers' data
- ensure privacy legislation compliance
Protect your intellectual property
- guard against aggrieved employees releasing or stealing company or customer information
- avoid industrial espionage
- prevent unintentional data leakages resulting from mistakes or broken processes
Ensure due diligence
- your customers are increasingly demanding data responsibility
Our security teams can assist you realise your data protection objectives through the following services:
- Technology Lifecycle Management Assessment for Security: This engagement will give you a complete understanding of, and visibility into, the security health of your networking environment.
- Managed Secure Infrastructure Service: Leave it to us to provide end-to-end operational management of your IT and security assets.
- Governance, Risk & Compliance Assessment: We provide you with the IT governance and compliance metrics you need to effectively manage the risk in your environment.
- Uptime Maintenance and Support : We provide proactive, multi-vendor support and maintenance services to help you maximise the availability of your IT estate while optimising your total IT support spend.